Head of Lab: Trinh Duc Cong

Tel:                  0985.887.880 

1. Current member of the Lab



Academic degree



Trịnh Đức Công


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Đỗ Trường Thiện


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Phạm Thị Bích Hạnh


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Trần Thị Ý Nhi


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Lê Quang Tuấn


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Lại Thị Thúy


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Lê Thị Thanh Hà


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2. Research interests

1-Fundamental research on the formation, structure and chemical modification of natural polymer (glucomannan, chitin/chitosan, starch, alginate….) by polymerizatiom, copolymerization, substitution and depolymerization reactions...

2- Study on chemical modification of bioactive natural polymers for medical and biological applications.

3- Investigation into polymer materials: bio-mimetic polymers with bio-structure and intelligent characteristics.

4- Study on bacterial synthesis of polymer to create chemical absorbent materials.

5 Study on functional polymer having special features: nano biopolymer, optically refractable polymer, liquid crystalline materials.

6- Research on composite materials based on polymer and development of composite technology.

           7- Consulting, providing testing services and technology transfer in the field of polymers. 

3. Main achievements

a) Current projects:



Funding Institution

Project Leader

Funded Amount


Preparation of nanoparticles based on carboxymethyl derivatives of chitin and chitosan for cancer drug delivery applications



Pham Thi Bich Hanh




b) List of domestic and international publications since 2010

1.    Nghiên cứu cấu trúc hóa học của glucomannan từ củ cây Nưa Amorphophallus konjac, Tạp chí Hóa học, Vol.(52) 6A (2014), 228-232,.

2.    Preparation of carboxylmethyl chitin nanoparticles from squid pen, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Vol.51, 5A (2013), p.116-119.

3.    Quantitative analysis of glucomannan content in Amorphophallus konjac glucomannan flour by 3,5-Dinitrosalicy (DNS) colorimetry, Journal of Chemistry, Vol.51, 5A, p.75-80, 2013.

4.    Synthesis and characterization of some bio-polymeric Schiff bases prepared from chitosan and aromatic aldehydes, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 50(4A) (2012), 84-87.

5.    Adsorption behaviour of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution by glyoxal cross-linked xanthate chitosan beads, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 50(4B) (2012). 114-118

6.     “Adsorption behaviour of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution by epichlorohydrin cross-linked xanthate chitosan bead”, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry 50 (4A) (2012), p.423-427.

7.    Adsorption behaviour of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution by epichlorohydrin cross-linked xanthate chitosan beads, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 50(4A) (2012), 423-427. 

8.    Adsorption behaviour of chromium(VI) from aqueous solution by glyoxal cross-linked chitosan beads, Journal of Analytical Science, Vol. 17(2), (2012), 77-82..

9.    Adsorption of reactive violet 5 on cross-linked chitosan beads from aqueous solution, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 50(4A) (2012), 428-432.

10. Magnetic chitosan nanoparticles for removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution, Materials Science and Engineering: C, Volume 33, Issue 3, 1 April 2013, Pages 1214-1218.

11. Adsorption kinetic of Ni(II) ions using high deacetylated chitosan, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry 50 (4A)(2011), p.411-414.

12. Adsorption of Hg(II) form aqueous solution using n-cacboxyetyl chitosan”, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry 50 (4A) (2011), p.415-418.

13.  Fe3O4/o-Carboxymethyl Chitosan/Curcumin-based Nanodrug System for Chemotherapy and Fluorescence Imaging in HT29 Cancer Cell Line, Chemistry Letters 40 (11) (2010), pp. 1264-1266.

14. Isolation and characterization of polysaccharides from Amorphophallus corrugatus in Vietnam”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 84 (2011) 64–68.

15. A simple methylation method for obtaining water-soluble O-methyl glucomannan derivatives, Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 84, Issue 1, 11 February 2011, Pages 173-179.

16. Synthesis and characterization of water-soluble O-carboxymethyl glucomannan Carbohydrate Polymers 83 (2011) 645–652.

17. Adsorption of acid orange 8 on cross-linked chitosan beads from aqueous solution, Journal of Analytical Science, Vol. 16(4), (2011), 43-48, ISSN:0868-3224.

18. Preparation of porous chitosan for adsorption of metal ions from aqueous solution, Vietnam Journal of Chemistry 50 (4A) (2010), p.399-402

19.  Characterization of glucomannan from some Amorphophallus species in Vietnam”, Carbohydrate Polymers, 80 (2010) 308–311.

20.  Biofilms based on silver-O-carboxymethyl glucomannan nanocomposites. Journal of Chemistry, 48 (A) (2010), 460-464.

21.  Silver-N-carboxymethyl chitosan nanocomposites: Synthesis and its antibacterial activities, Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefence, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2010, 1-4.

c) Books, Monographs published

d) Patents

e) Academic awards: VIFOTEC

f) applied technologies/products

4. Postgraduate training

Degrees have been awarded: 2 Ph.D, tens of Masters, 40 Bachelors. 3 Ph. D. students are preparing their dissestations for input examination.

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